Job Search Locally - find job openings near your current location.
Search for part-time, full-time, freelance and contractor jobs near your current location. Find jobs in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Europe recruitment, and in many other parts of the world. Search jobs in over 60 countries with over 16 million jobs available in the database.All jobs are grouped into one screen for fast and easy navigation. Expend every job listing for more details and apply for a job link (opens original indeed website).Find jobs as you move. Each time you change location, just press "Find Jobs" button to fetch available job opportunities at your current location within 1km to 200km radius.You can select radius of your job searches, find jobs with specific keywords, filter the results to narrow only job opportunities meeting your criteria. Select what type of job you are looking for: Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Internship, Temporary or any. You can search for a newly advertised jobs or any age of the the job listings.When you start job search app we are pre-populating your latest job search filters, which improves your overall user experience.You can add selected job listings to favourites and review them later, or remove one by one if no longer relevant or interested.The Job Search Locally free app has very simple layout and easy navigation with 25 job listing per page. Use next / prev buttons to navigate between the pages.You can search using external Indeed job search engine.Job Search Locally app uses Indeed APIs only.PLEASE NOTE THIS APP NEEDS LOCATION SERVICES TO BE ENABLED, WHICH ALLOWS THIS APP TO SEARCH NEARBY JOBS.This app is not affiliated with Indeed or any other 3rd party, and no data being shared with anyone.Removed unnecessary screen during launch.Added intent to launch the app from browser.